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Reason for failure.

It is my personal opinion about failure that a person tends to do a work which he can not do better. Suppose a person who is exceptionally good in mathematics will be very passionate about acting. The mathematical problem that will take hours for any average skilled person may be solved by him in minutes but since he is more interested in what he cannot do better he will avoid the problem.
The reason could be that may be at some point of time in past he might have been given a challenge to act and he might not have been able to do it. This somewhere must have affected his self esteem part of maslow heirarchical need and through out his life he may struggle to become an artist. He will read tons of stories, poems, great authors of all field, cinema magzine, psychology books. He will follow many great actors, directors, read thousands of screen play, synopsis. But even then he will never be able to become even a stage actor in some college fest.
We all fell into such situations we don't do what we can we often do what we can not because that work has challenged us and in thrist of achieving self esteem we even fail to fulfill our basic need.
Often this hunger for self esteem make us follower and dependent. As we cannot do that work and follow people who can. We make them our role model and things get worse when we are obsessed.